
« Boso Bosse, Friedrich Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne »

Bosse, Friedrich

BOSSE, FRIEDRICH: German Lutheran; b. at Rossla (38 m. w. of Halle) Aug. 23, 1864. He was educated at the universities of Tübingen, Berlin (Ph.D., 1886), Marburg, Heidelberg, and Greifswald, completing his studies in 1890. In the following year he became privat-docent at the University of Greifswald, and from 1892 to 1894 was provisional 238professor in Königsberg. In the latter year he was appointed associate professor of church history at Kiel, and five years later returned in a similar capacity to Greifswald, where he still remains. He has written Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte des Begriffes "Nachfolge Christi" (Berlin, 1895).

« Boso Bosse, Friedrich Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne »
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